Today ads go directly to the targets you
want to target.

  1. Geofence targets first, collect their data.
  2. Send ads to their mobile, tablet or desktop... to the sites: gaming, news, search websites they visit most
  3. Then together manage and measure the campaign's performance for optimization.

The days of 
"spraying and praying"

ads, hoping to woo
customers, are gone.

service 1

Select Data

We have a robust database of 3,000 specifications to finely tune your targeted demographic data: age, income (HHI), residence, ethnicity, education, hobbies, marital status, to name the first few.     

service 2

Set up a Geofence

Choose specific addresses, entire neighborhoods, zip codes, cities, states, or regions in the U.S. Choose a special event, weddings, conferences to Geo-Fence. Collect targets data for a week or two. 

ReTarget them

Retargeting is the industry-term, technical jargon, for those little ads we all see on the websites we visit most. NOTE: In NYC, we can only hold the data for a 30-day period
Due to a July 2024 Law that was passed. 

No more "Spray and Pray" 
advertising like we did
in the olden days.

It doesn't work anymore.


Select Targets

We have a robust database of 3,000+ custom specifications to finely tune a targeted demographic data: age, income (HHI), residence, ethnicity, education, hobbies, marital status, lifestyle and spending habits, to name the first few.     


Geofence them

Choose specific addresses, entire areas, special zip codes, entire cities, states, or regions in the U.S. Special events are another great path to Geo-Deer a select and targeted group. Once the targets are collected, we move forward.

Advertising Campaign Launch

aka Retargeting

Our industry-leading partners use a cluster of open-source systems, big data analytics and programmatic advertising on main steam news media outlets like New York Post, Staten Island Advance, and the FOX News networks. 

Love to hear your feedback.
There's no time like today.

Deliverables :

More Customers 

Repeat Engagement

Massive Outreach

Target Locations

Target Audience

Measured Results

Systematic Approach

Weekly Reporting

  • See Patron List

    Patrons we've served:

    Columbia University

    Big Brothers Big Sisters


    Lily Pond Capital

    Fried Frank

    Cross County Bank

    Reich & Tang

    Ralph Lauren


    Tiger (beer)

    Empire State Bank

    Admiral Insurance

    Wealth & Legacy Group

    COACH (New York)


    kate spade

Welcome to the
Technology Revolution.
not too late.

We're listening.

You know your brand better than anyone,* and we're here to help explain it to the world; visually, textually, and emotionally*

*Emotions contribute to 90-95% of our purchasing decisions.

Gerald Zaltman, Professor Emeritus @ Harvard Business School
Daniel Kahneman, awarded Nobel Memorial Prize (in Economics)